Although many people use the terms “shoulder bags” and “tote bags” interchangeably, these two bags are quite different. The differences between tote bags and shoulder bags cut across their design, features, structure, and function. They are designed to suit various needs, styles, and preferences.
If you are an importer, brand owner, AMAZON seller, retailer, or wholesaler, you must understand the differences between tote bags and shoulder bags for proper inventory planning. When you understand the key differences, you will be able to order products that meet the current market trends and cater to your customer preferences.
In this article, we’ll discuss the key differences between shoulder bags and tote bags. Knowing these differences will help you make more informed choices when ordering leather bags.
Key Differences: Leather Purses Shoulder Bag vs. Leather Bag Tote
Understanding the differences between leather shoulder bags and tote bags is essential knowledge every leather bag importer or retailer must know to remain profitable. Below are some of the key areas where shoulder bags and tote bags differ.
Definition and Features
Shoulder bags are commonly called purses or handbags. They’re small to medium-sized compact bags used for carrying personal accessories. Tote bags are large bags for carrying lots of items. The key differences in the features of shoulder bags and tote bags are:
Most shoulder bags have one long flexible strap for carrying on the shoulder or across the body. Tote bags have two straps for holding by hand or carrying on the shoulder. The two-strap design of tote bags gives them more structure and a wider aperture for holding things. Some tote bags even come with an extra longer strap for easy carriage.
Shoulder bags range from small to medium sizes. They’re compact bags suited for carrying essential personal accessories such as mobile phones, wallets, sunglasses, lipstick, and any other essential accessory. Many shoulder bags can even fit snugly under the arms.
Tote bags are usually larger than shoulder bags, as they’re designed to carry more items. Some tote bags can conveniently take a laptop, tablet, journal, books, and other personal accessories, while some are small enough to pass for a medium handbag.
Design and Aesthetics
Tote and shoulder bags come in various colors, leather types, styles, and designs. They are both made from the same range of materials and have the same quality (depending on the production material). However, their designs are different. Some of the areas of differences in design between shoulder bags and tote bags include:
Shoulder bags come in different shapes and structures. They can be rectangular, squared, or rounded. Leather tote bags are typically rectangular in shape and more structured. Shoulder bags are also often made with softer materials than tote bags. Because tote bags are designed to carry more load, they’re typically made with stronger materials that can withstand weight.
Interior design
Shoulder bags have better interior design and organization than tote bags. Shoulder bags usually have several pockets for storing small items and zipped compartments for securing valuables, while tote bags typically have a single large carry-all compartment. However, many modern leather tote bag designs include one or two small pockets for storing smaller accessories.
Functionality and Comfort
There’s not much difference between shoulder bags and tote bags when it comes to comfort. Thanks to their straps, they both can be carried hands-free. However, they’re different in terms of functionality. Each is better suited for specific occasions, and their carrying capacity differs. Two key differences in functionality between shoulder bags and tote bags include:
Shoulder bags are more suitable for formal meetings and events where staying organized and appearing professional is a priority. Tote bags are better suited for casual and more relaxed or semi-formal occasions.
Shoulder bags have limited usage compared to tote bags because they’re compact and hold fewer accessories. Tote bags offer more versatility in usage. They can be used on various occasions and serve broader needs, thanks to their large carrying capacity. Tote bags can serve as handbags, gym bags, school bags, shopping bags, laptop bags, overnight bags, lunch bags, and any other use requiring carrying many items.
Market Trends and Consumer Preferences (Target Customer)
Shoulder bags are essential accessories for most women and always stay on trend, though the styles and designs may change. Tote bags are also almost always in high demand because of their versatility. Tote bags are currently trending for young adults.
Your shoulder bags vs. tote bags stocking ratio will depend on your target market’s needs and consumer preferences. Tote bags appeal to a broader audience, from students to fitness enthusiasts to young mothers to office workers. However, If you’re targeting busy professionals and executives who spend most of their time in formal settings, it may be profitable to stock more shoulder bags.
Ideally, offering a good mix of both types of bags will increase your target audience and sales potential. Still, you should monitor market trends to know which is more in demand every time.
Pricing and Cost Considerations
The difference in pricing and cost of shoulder and tote bags largely depends on the quality of production materials. A small purse made from genuine Italian leather usually costs more than a tote bag made from vegetable-tanned leather. Size only comes into play when both are made of the same material. Conversely, a genuine leather tote bag will typically cost more than a genuine leather shoulder bag.
High-quality shoulder bags are made from full-grain and genuine leather, making them quite expensive. On the other hand, tote bags can be made from canvas, fabric, or faux leather, making them cheaper. Understanding your customers’ preferences is essential so you don’t accumulate unnecessary production costs and hamper your profit margins.
Import and Export Considerations
There’s no significant difference in the import and export requirements for shoulder and tote bags. They’re typically categorized in the same group for import and export purposes. So, the choice of shoulder bags vs. tote bags will make little or no difference to your shipping costs and process.
However, large structured leather tote bags weigh more than shoulder bags and may attract slightly higher duties if you’re importing or shipping large tote bag orders. Still, the difference is not significant.
Marketing and Sales Strategies
You may need to employ different marketing and sales strategies for shoulder and tote bags because they appeal to different audiences. Premium leather shoulder bags appeal to luxury leather goods lovers who are concerned with class and sophistication, while tote bags appeal more to persons concerned with practical everyday uses.
Shoulder bags can be marketed as unique accessories that add class and sophistication to every look. While functionality should take precedence when crafting sales strategies for tote bags, durability is a concern for both categories of customers, so it should be a marketing point for the two bag types.
Brand Positioning
What your brand is known for or wants to be known for is also a factor to consider when deciding whether to stock shoulder bags or tote bags. If your brand is positioned as a provider of premium leather shoulder bags, it may not be ideal to stock different tote bags. However, you can add smaller classy leather tote bags that can pass for medium handbags.
Shopping Guide – Where to Get Quality Leather Shoulder Bags and Tote Bags
One of the major challenges faced by importers, brand owners, AMAZON sellers, retailers, and wholesalers is getting a reliable manufacturer who can supply quality leather goods at a reasonable price that will allow for maximum profit. That is what Mherder stands for – reliable manufacturers of quality leather goods at affordable prices.
Mherder manufactures all kinds of leather bags, from clutches to shoulder bags to tote bags to backpacks. We offer leather shoulder and tote bags in various designs, patterns, structures, colors, and materials. When you choose Mherder, you are choosing a perfect blend of style and quality.
We have a catalog of over 3000 styles that you can choose from. We also offer free design and customization options to suit your needs.
Our factory in China employs over 200 leather craftsmen who blend their skills with modern machines to produce quality bags in record time. Though our factory is based in China, we offer our services to importers, wholesalers, and businesses from all over the world. You can take a look at our high-quality leather products and bags.
Final Thoughts
The leather bag business is a profitable venture once you know how to source quality products and reach your target audience.
Shoulder bags and tote bags are among the top in-demand leather bags today. While they sometimes look similar and are used interchangeably, they’re pretty different. Understanding their differences will help you better cater to the needs of your target audience and maintain profitability.
If you’ve read up to this point, it’s certain you now know the differences between shoulder bags and tote bags and can now properly plan your inventory. And if you’re looking for where to get high-quality and affordable shoulder and tote bags, we’re here to help. Mherder is your one-stop shop for premium leather products and bags. We offer all kinds of leather bags at affordable rates and ship worldwide.